

You are already registered in the service and have passed verification! Now, in addition to all the possible ways to receive payments, you can find customers on the EasyBusy freelance marketplace. To do this, create a public profile.

In your public profile, customers only have access to the information that you specify in it. It may differ from your real data entered during registration in EasyStart.
In your personal EasyStart account, go to the tab
My profile -> Public settings and fill in your public profile information!
Name or Nickname
Brief profile description
A few words about yourself and why you’re the best in your field
Once all fields are completed, this button will turn green, allowing you to save the data
Create a nickname (in Latin alphabet), using lowercase Latin letters or numbers
Type of services provided
Currency selection for transfers
Check this box to publish your public profile and gain access to the Marketplace section in your account
Click to edit your EasyBusy profile
If the Public settings section is not available, fill out the Payout details section first.
In Public settings, click on the Edit EasyBusy profile button or go to the Public profile tab in the Marketplace section.

Here you can create your profile in more detail.
Here you can edit information from the previous section and add links to your social networks and personal website.
Upload your portfolio so clients can view examples of your projects.
Add services so clients can immediately offer you tasks!
Upload your portfolio for EasyBusy on the tab
Public profile -> Portfolio

You can upload up to 3 projects to your portfolio
Click to add your first project
Project Title
Describe the advantages of the project and your professionalism
Upload an image with a 100/55 aspect ratio and a size of up to 5 MB
Once all fields are completed, this button will turn green and allow you to save the data
Service Title
Click to add your first service
Describe what is included in the service price and why it might interest the client
Specify the minimum service price. The client can increase it by agreement before payment
Currency selection for transfers
Type of services provided
Upload an image with a 100/55 aspect ratio and a size of up to 5 MB
Once all fields are completed, this button will turn green, allowing you to save the data
Add a service so that the customer can select and order it when going to your public profile

You can add up to 3 services to your profile